Cyber Love Muffin posted my pics while I was at the convention because we were only in our hotel room for minutes at a time... her posts are still up!! I decided to water mark my photos because they're ALL over the place already (LJ, facebook you name it!!) . Flattering - yes - but mildly annoying when I see them posted as someone else's images.
Thank you VERY much to those of you who asked about re-posting!!! You rock!
So - I still say - you're welcome to save the pictures in these galleries, use them, make your own art, look at them for hours (I DO) - but if you want the non-watermarked large images - please leave a comment with which images you want and I will be glad to email them to you :)
(Please don't just say you want all of them because there are hundreds :)
Links to all galleries can be found here at my LJ Links to all galleries can be found here at my LJ