Whee! I get to kick things off! ::champagne for everyone::
I realize that the point of the "silent night" challenge was an absence of dialogue, which I didn't quite manage here. But I figure, hey, nobody's speaking, so hopefully it still counts. It's 250 words, Dan/Casey implied.
A million thanks to the mods for getting this comm off the ground!
CaseyMcC: I hate you.
DanTheMan: We're supposed to be working on a script.
CaseyMcC: Which we won't even get to use. This is your fault.
DanTheMan: Excuse me?
CaseyMcC: Laryngitis. We all know how you got it.
DanTheMan: For your information, the fact that Rebecca also has laryngitis has nothing to do with
CaseyMcC: We're sports anchors.
DanTheMan: You don't say.
CaseyMcC: We can't do our jobs, and you know what that means
DanTheMan: Sally Sasser sitting behind our anchor desk, Casey, and that bothers me at least as much as it does you
CaseyMcC: And did I mention I didn't want Rebecca's laryngitis?
DanTheMan: You DON'T HAVE Rebecca's laryngitis
CaseyMcC: How do you know that?
DanTheMan: Unless there's been hanky-panky when I wasn't looking
CaseyMcC: She's not my type
DanTheMan: Not mine anymore, either
DanTheMan: I'm kind of otherwise occupied these days
DanTheMan: In case you hadn't noticed
DanTheMan: I'm noting a suspicious silence over here
CaseyMcC: I have laryngitis
DanTheMan: We both have laryngitis, and it's not because I cheated on you with Rebecca, Casey
DanTheMan: It's viral. People get it. Dana's probably going to come down with it next.
CaseyMcC: Maybe Natalie will get it. Silence is golden.
DanTheMan: Is this your idea of an apology?
CaseyMcC: ok, ok, I'm sorry I intimated that you might have gotten laryngitis from your ex
DanTheMan: She isn't even my ex!
CaseyMcC: Whatever she is. I still hate you for giving me laryngitis.
DanTheMan: I love you too, man.
(250 words)