TADA......And Then There Was PADACKLES FIC

Oct 08, 2006 20:02

For Trustygeek *LOVE YOU BFF*

Title: Us
Author: ilovesn *ME*
Disclaimer: Do NOT own, wish i did
Pairing: Jared/Jensen 
Rating: NC-17 *YAY*

Where is a pillow when you need it? Jensen swats Jared and he falls on the bed. His body moves in the most amazing way. Kinda like a lava lap, if it were naked. Jared's hand searches the bed; his eyes locked on ( Read more... )

padackles, fic

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ongiara October 9 2006, 16:13:34 UTC
Love your catchy title ♥

Just re-read it again and I have to say I really enjoyed this caring sensitive playfulness in your fiction so much! Lovely work, hun! *squishes you with love*


ilovesn October 9 2006, 16:20:59 UTC
Thanks babes *blushes*

You are so nice to me.

about the title, i just thought it was fitting.

And nothing else came to mind

OMG! i made 337 icons for ELAC. I have to go thru them because that is WAY too much. What do you think?



ongiara October 9 2006, 16:25:54 UTC
337!!!???!!! Wow! That's awesome! I want to see every single one of them! ♥


ilovesn October 9 2006, 16:28:53 UTC
are you serious? *LMAO*

They are totally dean centric as you will see tomorrow.

I'm going to see if i can add text to some to make them good

And i got the best cropping for a few that makes it look like they are totally DOING IT *evil laughter* AT LAST

I went crazy with the iconing but i do love them and i can't wait to see what you think.

P.S. How was your weekend?


ongiara October 9 2006, 16:37:10 UTC
Haha, I honestly can't wait to see what your Wincest-brain did to your icons ♥
I'm sure they'll blow me away.

My weekend was quite okay, just had to get rid of most of my plants and a few nasty spiders who occupied my apartment *holds onto Sam* (you know with Dean being afraid of rats I don't want to risk clinging to him^^) Still being 250 entries back on my flist though. Does that damn thing never end?!
How was your weekend and how was/is work today?


ilovesn October 9 2006, 16:48:55 UTC
I'm saving 2 just for me. They are way to perfect for my dirty mind *evil laugh*

Spiders *jumps up*

I'm betting you i'm 550 entries back right now *EEEP* but i saw most of it i just have to go back to see if there is stuff that i want to download. I KNOW. It never dies *cries*

My weekend was regular. Just with the family and talking to friends on IM *wish you had a better computer* *pouts* work is work as always, so far so good.


I just can't wait until the day that i find something better or start going to school.

I'm actually going to do my school things tomorrow *YAY!* get all the paperwork out of the way.

I love you *huggs*


ongiara October 9 2006, 17:21:35 UTC
*pokes computer* I bet it just gets jealous as soon as AIM or anything else is running :P

I'm actually going to do my school things tomorrow *YAY!* get all the paperwork out of the way.
paperwork as in application and stuff?! That's so cool. What do you want to do?


ilovesn October 9 2006, 17:26:43 UTC
I know. *stupid computer*

yeps, paperwork.

I don't know yet but i can't wait to see all the stuff i can take.


I just made an LJ cut. *EEEP*

i had so many people that i didn't even know so i had to cut them *pouts*

I hope they're not mad or anything.



ongiara October 9 2006, 18:00:46 UTC
Hehe, well I hope you get all the courses you want and everything! When will it star if everything works out?

had so many people that i didn't even know so i had to cut them *pouts*
Huh? I'm lost?



ilovesn October 9 2006, 18:04:39 UTC
I know me too. I'll probably start next semester.

I hope that everything turns out ok.

SORRY! i was talking about my flist.

i had so many people that i didn't even know and stuff so i had to cut them

On the plus side, my flist in under control now YAY!


What are you doing right now?


ongiara October 9 2006, 18:10:32 UTC
Yay, I'm so happy for you right now! I'm sure everything will work out just fine!

Ah, so you defriended LOL yeah, I guess one has to do that now and then. That's actually one of the reasons why I don't friend back people who just friended me without ever leavig a comment and who I've never seen before anywhere *shrugs shoulders*

Well, I'm glad you cleaned up a little ;)


Right now...ehm, trying to find the end of the rainbow...eh my flist ^.^ Then I have to fill out some paperwork, maybe rewatch ELaC and then hitting the pillows. What about you?


ilovesn October 9 2006, 18:17:17 UTC
I hope so, thanks for the support. *huggs*

I know, i have to start doing that. Especially for my lj, it was out of control. I defriended like 30 people *EEEP*

It makes a lot of sense to do that. because you will get their post and stuff and that TOOO MUCH.

YEPS, it feels like it flows better now.

*bear hug*

Well, right now i'm working, downloading movies, will work on my icons for tomorrow, clean up my mems a bit if i can. too much stuff in there, i just rewatched the last part of ELAC yesterday. I cried *pouts* it's so powerful, you can feel their pain as if it was your own.




ongiara October 9 2006, 18:29:31 UTC
ROFL, at least it was worth the effort with that number o_o

Oh, what movies? Any you could recommend?

i just rewatched the last part of ELAC yesterday. I cried *pouts* it's so powerful, you can feel their pain as if it was your own.
*is angsting* Exactly, it's actually hurting to see those scenes or the one on the road when Dean throws all that guilt (and truth) at Sam. WTF. Stop hurting each other and open up guys! *grouphug*

Paperwork for student money granting. Kinda like a scholarship in that they support you with a montly amount of money in order to attend classes but it's not the same.

*squishes you* Wug you!


ilovesn October 9 2006, 18:40:36 UTC
i know.

So much yucks. Stupid post that aren't for me. I love them but come on. SHIT! LMAO

I know. Those scenes kill me. I know. The look on his face, the hurt and the lost *wants to cry*

I know. *grouphug you dorks*

Oh. That's cool.

*squishes you back* LOVE YOU FOREVERS AND EVERS



ongiara October 9 2006, 18:43:34 UTC
Stupid post that aren't for me. I love them but come on. SHIT! LMAO
You crack me up LOL

Well, have a great day, I gotta go for now. Love you, sweetie :)


ilovesn October 9 2006, 18:49:46 UTC
LOL. That's great. I love to make people laugh.


You too.

Have some wincest dreams.

Will talk to you laters



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