New Story...NEW STORY :D

Aug 08, 2007 23:16

Title: Non-Profit Love

Author: ilovesn (Lissie)

Summary: Jared tried to find meaning and finds something he never knew he needed.

Warnings: None at the moment

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the words

I’d like to thank Sarah incompletework for the awesome beta job. She’s one of my favorite writers I’m in honored that she liked it as much as she did.


Jared had started being more of a humanitarian of sorts. He had decided to volunteer at a homeless shelter and maybe see about getting a job. He had never really seen how the other half lived. He wasn’t rich by any means but he had never seen poverty up close. It really put life in perspective. Since he got to LA, everything that he had thought he’d known had been wrong. He had thought LA was this glamorous place that was filled with stars and happiness.

Chad had talked him into coming out here to go to school and he’d stupidly agreed, boy had that bastard done a job on him. Now it was too late to change his mind because he had applied to USC. Everything was finalized and now here he stood. Right outside the door of the shelter, he took a deep breath and headed inside. He made his way to the front desk. He was to meet the director of the shelter. Jeff Morgan.

He was led to a meeting room where he waited for Mr. Morgan. He’d been waiting for about 10 minutes now when the girl at the front desk told him that he’d be running late so he decided to wander around. Jared pushed one of the double doors open that led him to the cafeteria. There were people lined up and waiting for dinner to be served. He smiled shyly at the people and tried not to let his emotions get the best of him. How could so many people be homeless and starving? How could this happen? It was all so foreign to him to see all these people that he assumed at some point of their lives had families and jobs and maybe even homes to call their own.

He was so distracted by his thoughts that he nearly ran into someone. “Watch it gigantor”

Jared looked down to reply when he came face to face with the most handsome man he’d ever seen. He had beautiful green eyes, sun kissed hair and freckles all over his face. He looked adorable but at the moment he looked kinda confused. Jared noticed said guy eyeing up and down as if seeing if he was worthy to stand near him. He couldn’t help the blush that came to his cheeks as he saw the way the guy licked his full bottom lip.

That was just so not fair, he didn’t even know this guy yet he wanted to throw him down on the table and give all these fine people a show that they’d never forget.

He shook his head and finally spoke “’m sorry. I got lost in my thoughts. My names Jared”

The guy couldn’t help but smile at the way that pretty flush spread to his neck “I’m Jensen.” Jared gulped as he looked at the way Jensen’s eyes softened. “So, do you work here?” Jensen tilted his head and looked at Jared.

“I’m not sure yet. I’m waiting for Mr. Morgan but he’s running late” Jared tried not to think about how easily his hands could cup Jensen’s face and kiss him.

“Yeah, Jeff is always running around for this place. He works really hard to keep us all feed” Jensen laughed as he sat on one of the tables.

Jared’s face scrunched up in confusion. He turned to Jensen and he was laughing. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, your face looks adorable when you’re confused” Jared blushed crimson at that and tried not to think about the fact that Jensen just called him adorable. But it was very hard not to.

“Uh, what did you mean when you said keep us feed? Do you live here?” Jensen’s smile faltered a bit.

“I used to. Now, I work here. This place helped me thru a dark spot.”

Jared shook his head and smiled. “I’m glad that it did help” Jensen smiled up at Jared.

Just as he was about to ask Jensen about what the dark spot had been. Mr. Morgan showed up. He was dressed in jeans and a black t shirt.

“You must be Jared, I’m Jeff Morgan. And please don’t call me Mr. Morgan. It makes me feel older than I am” Jared shook Jeff’s hand and noticed all the people around him smiling and waving to Jeff. Jeff made his way to a table on the corner. Jared smiled as the whole room seemed to light up at his presence.

“You’ll get used to that. He’s a celebrity around here.” Jared turned to Jensen as he got up from the table.

“I can see.” Jared stood there and watched as Jeff sat down and started to talk animatedly to the people around him.

“So, what do I do now?”

Jensen turned to him “I’ll show you around and maybe he’ll be done when we get back” Jared glanced to Jeff’s table again before walking with Jensen as he gave him the grand tour.

Jensen made a great tour guide. He showed him the dorms, the on site free clinic and everything else that he should be familiar with. They made it to the second floor and he took in the view from the windows. It was gorgeous at night. Jared realized it was Hollywood but he guessed he never really thought about how different things would look from the other side. As he looked at the lights of the buildings, he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to find Jensen staring at him in a very peculiar way. Before he realized what he was doing, he had one of his hands on Jensen’s face. He was about to move his hand away and apologize profusely when he felt Jensen lean into it.

He couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. Jensen leaning into his hand with his eyes closed. Looking like the most amazing thing that Jared had ever seen. Everything stopped when he opened his eyes. He looked straight at Jared and moved his hand to Jared’s and kissed his palm. Jared let go of a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. Jensen smiled and slowly leaned into Jared. His eyes so vulnerable and trusting that it made Jared want to hold him in his arms and never let him go. Instead, he cupped his face and softly kissed Jensen’s full lips. Jared could feel Jensen’s hands wrap around his neck as he kissed him back. It was soft and sweet and incredible.

Jared’s head was swimming. He was in the middle of a hallway, kissing Jensen next to the most incredible view he’d ever seen. It just clicked. Everything he never knew he’d been missing. And then it was over. Jensen pulled back and smiled at Jared. He was playing with the hair on Jared’s neck and Jared couldn’t help but smile back. As Jared thought of something to say, a cough came from behind them. They turned and saw Jeff looking at them and smiling.

“Well, I guess you received the grand tour from Jensen” Jensen smiled at Jeff and slowly pulled away from Jared. Jared tried not to feel disappointed at the loss of Jensen’s hands and body next to his.

“Yeah, this place is amazing.”

Jeff grinned “Thank you. So, you’re ready to start?”

Jared looked at Jeff  “Start?”

Jensen laughed and walked towards Jeff.

“Yeah, you got the job. The guys downstairs seem to have fallen in love with you and Jensen here is very fond of you to say the least”

Jared tried not to smile as Jensen’s face flushed and the way his eyes looked at everything but him. “Thank you Jeff”

Jeff waved him over to his office. “Don’t thank me yet. You have much to learn but with Jensen’s help I’m sure you’ll do just fine”

I was thinking this would be a ONE SHOT, what do you guys think???

flist, fic

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