Slowly Falling ---- You Must Read It!!!

Feb 01, 2007 15:17

Title: Slowly Falling
Summary: My POV of me and Papa Winchester.
I'm naughty :D but you KNOW you love him :D
Inspired by my icon :D
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing :D

I slowly walk over to the dark figure. I can feel my body already feeling attracted. My feet are doing the walking as I try to figure out where I am. He's like a magnet. He turns around and I see his face, I bite my lip as he walks into my space and kisses me. My breathing is ragged as he touches my skin. His fingers burning my skin everywhere they touch, making me feel lightheaded. His lips are soft yet rough as the kisses deepen as they move to my neck, nipping and biting hard enough to break skin. I want to break away but I want this more than anything. He surrounds me and I want to be his, want him everywhere around me, hands all over my body, to be his forever.

His kisses make my head spin as he backs me up against the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist as he bites hard at my neck. His lips going lower and lower by the second. I grab onto his neck as he takes us to his room. It’s dim and warm. I put my feet on the ground and walk away from him as he unbuttons his shirt. I can only stand there looking as every button reveals more and more toned skin. Skin that I want to bite, lick and remember forever. His eyes are locked on me as he walks towards me and takes off my shirt. Slowly, everything is in slow motion. I can feel his hands on my back. His fingers caressing my skin as he puts me on the bed and smiles.

I look at him and all I can think is that he’s everything I’ve ever wanted. He lies next to me and brings the covers around us. His hands are on my skirt as he takes it off and then I unbuckle his jeans. Skin on skin, lips on lips, hands entwined. Hungry kisses that can’t be stopped. His body hovering over mines and my nails dig in his back. His name escaping my lips. Moans and promises of more to come. Now is all I want. Always is what I crave. Forever is something that is unclear.

slowly falling, fic

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