Title: Superman
Genre: pre-series gen, hurt/comfort
Characters: Dean, OFC
Rating: G
Word Count: ~1700
Summary: For the first time in a long time, Dean has someone at his bedside when he wakes up to hospital fluorescence and intravenous fluids. He's not sure how to feel about that.
Notes: Written for
hoodie_time's recent meme, for
nickgregfan's prompt, Dean couldn't just LET that little old lady get hit by the car..... So he gets her out of the way and takes the hit for her. And he's the one that ends up with broken hips.
That's the big difference between little old ladies and babies (the kind you pull from fires), he's decided. Little old ladies have some idea of their own culpability. Don't matter whether it's real or imagined, they know guilt and given the opportunity they stew in it just like everyone else.