Darkness Falling
Author: Linda Atkinson
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Gen
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Bobby and some OCs
Warnings: Some language, violence
Summary: I don’t like the fact that John is dead. I know he is supposed to resurface, one way or another, but I want him alive again, with his boys again. So I’m fixing it, at least in my little corner of the universe.
My thanks to Sioux_Sioux for the wonderful beta on the story.
Part 1 a:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/10356.html Part 1 b:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/10614.html Part 2 a:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/10774.html Part 2 b:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/11134.html Part 3:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/11488.html Part 4 a :
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/11593.html Part 4 b:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/11951.html Part 5 a:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/12277.html Part 5b:
http://linda92595.livejournal.com/12301.html My first time posting here, usually at Papa Winshester so I hope this is okay.