SPN/Doctrine of Labryinths Crossover: In The Garden

Oct 24, 2017 22:32

Title: In the Garden

Summary: In a garden, especially a magical dream construct of one, you never know who might come walking down the path.

A Supernatural/Doctrine of Labyrinths crossover. This takes place pre-series Supernatural so no changes to canon there, but it's mid-Corambis (the final book) for Doctrine of Labyrinths so it's mildly AU for that series.

Characters: Felix Harrowgate, Wizard (formerly of the Curia); Thamuris, Celebrant Celestial (of the Euryganeic Covenant); and Dean Winchester, Hunter (and general badass)

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but I did have fun playing with them. I give them back essentially the same as I found them.

Rating: PG / Gen

Contains: Language, magic, magical bees, no violence, but there are mentions of past rape/abuse/torture (canon), serious illness of a major character (canon), and essentially no plot.

AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12490144
ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12700804/1/In-The-Garden
(So if you find it somewhere else, please let me know.)

category: gen, rating: pg, warning: rape (non-con), type: crossover, category: preseries, warning: torture, warning: language, warning: child abuse, one-shot, author: etrix

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