Title: Finding Dean
fourticktockFandoms: Supernatural (mid-season 7), Captain America (pre-Winter Soldier), mention of SHIELD characters and events.
Pairing: Gen (fic is WIP, so this can change)
Summary: Coulson discovers something interesting about the Captain’s past, or is it his future?
Rating: PG-13 for violence.
Notes: This story will take a lot of liberties with all canons involved. Eventual SPOILERS for Winter Soldier/Season finale of SHIELD. New information about the changes will appear in story. That said, if anyone needs more explanation, don’t hesitate to request it or email me at fourticktock@outlook.com
Extra note: this story will be my personal attempt to "fix" the leviathans, as I personally feel they were way too low on the threat/scary scale.
Link to AO3