Title: Waiting All My Life(the light in the darkness remix)
Characters: Dean, OFC
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen/pre-het. AU after AHBL part one.
Summary: Jamie's been waiting all her life for Dean.
Word count: 6100
A/N: For those of my flisties that decry the lack of good het in fandom, look no further than
theladyscribe's Supernatural stories on AO3 She's not in SPN fandom anymore but she's got some great canon and crossover het pairings, a few slash(no wincest), great gen and some awesome femmeslash. Give her fics a look, they're amazing.
I chose
Desolation Angels to remix, a great AU that looks at what might happen if Dean doesn't make the deal to bring Sam back. I gave it a few twists and added a backstory for her marvelous OFC. In case anyone read it over on AO3, I changed the ending before posting it here. I just wasn't happy with it the way it was. Hopefully this is a little more in character.
"You shouldn't get into cars with strangers," he says and she grins. )