Drabble/ficlet dump -- various pairings - G to NC-17

Feb 15, 2012 18:12

For all of the drabbles/ficlets--
Disclaimer: None of it is mine. The characters and ideas belong to Kripke, etc.
Notes: All of these were beta'd by the amazing verucasalt123.

Title: Save our souls
Characters/Pairing: slight Sam/Cas, Dean, Bobby, Tessa
Rating: G
Length/format: drabble - 735 words
Warnings: AU, no spoilers.
Summary: Sam gets into an accident and meets a reaper.
Prompt: 02. Working

Title: Stepping on toes by choice
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Cas
Rating: NC-17 for sex
Length/format: drabble - 944 words
Warnings: AU, but also spoilers for season 5, ep 4; slight dubcon
Summary: past!Cas ends up in 2014 and is utterly shocked by that Dean.
Prompt: 05. Tread

Title: In and Out
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Bobby, Balthazar, Sam
Rating: G
Length/format: drabble - 623 words
Warnings: AU, but spoilers for season 6.
Summary: Something is wrong with Sam. Angelic intervention is in order.
Prompt: 09. Scoop

Title: Opposites Attract
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Cas, Dean, Bobby
Rating: PG for slash
Length/format: drabble - 881 words
Warnings: Spoilers for season 6.
Summary: This Sam seems very fond of Castiel. Continuation of 'In and Out'.
Prompt: 06. Know

Title: Blind Faith
Characters/Pairing: Castiel
Rating: PG
Length/format: drabble - 296 words
Warnings: violence, spoilers for season 7, ep 1.
Summary: Castiel is not afraid to speak his mind.
Prompt: 07. Faith

Title: Apparition
Characters/Pairing: onesided Lucifer/Sam, onesided Cas/Sam
Rating: PG
Length/format: drabble - 681 words
Warnings: mention of character death. Spoilers for season 6-7.
Summary: Sam wants the hallucinations to stop. Until he doesn't.
Prompt: 04. Sever
*Quote from Psalm 91

Comments are ♥

pairing: sam/cas, warning: angst, category: gen, pairing: dean/cas, season six, category: au, rating: g, rating: nc-17, season five, category: pre-slash, rating: pg, season seven, warning: language, other, category: slash, one-shot, warning: spoilers, warning: dub-con

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