Future Dean/Past Dean/Zachariah's Illusions

Oct 03, 2009 23:04

Did you ever think that the 'future Dean' was in fact Zachariah? I can't help but think the whole future thing was another one of Zachariah's green rooms. I can't help but think that the future would not have happened that way, and Zachariah just made it all up to get Dean to say 'Yes'. I just can't help but think that a lot of the way Dean was acting was not like Dean at all, and a lot of what Dean was saying was not what Dean would say. Okay you can jot it down as because of all those bitter and hateful feelings he was harboring and the fact that he never forgave Sam and never reached out to him for five years, and I still believe that Dean would have become that bitter man if he didn't try and salvage his and Sam's relationship, if he didn't try with Sam to work things out. But there was just too many clues that sort of gave me the feeling that future Dean was not Dean in the future, but Zachariah's illusion of Dean in the future.

First off, Zachariah tells Dean that this is how the world will be if you don't say yes. The future Dean practically begs past Dean to say yes. If Dean is anything he is one stubborn SOB, and no matter how bad things get Dean will not change his mind, unless if it comes to Sam that is. So for Dean to beg himself to say yes didn't really sound like what Dean would say, it's not like he was saying say yes so Sam won't say yes to Lucifer, he was saying say yes so the WHOLE world won't die. Isn't that what Zachariah said in 'Sympathy For The Devil'? 'That half the planet is better than no planet' kind of deal.

Second, it just seemed so odd and not Dean like when he had no reaction what so ever about Sam saying yes to Lucifer. It was like he said yes, I don't know why and that was the end of it. To me it was like the future Dean didn't even understand Sam, he didn't even try and blame himself for what happened - typical Dean MO, when something bad happens and he believes as big brother it's his fault and he failed. The fact that future Dean didn't show any of those feelings was a bit fishy to me. You could see past Dean running all the different possible scenarios that could have made his little brother say yes to the devil, where as the future Dean was totally satisfied with his 'I don't know' answer, almost like Zachariah not really showing emotion about anything. Also, the whole killing without blinking an eye, and the torturing and sacrificing, was way too much like Zachariah. Sure it was showing what Dean could be like without Sam, but the complete lack of emotion and brotherly love towards Sam just didn't seem like Dean. Because no matter how bad things get Dean ALWAYS gives a little hint that he still thinks about Sam and still cares for Sam, future Dean didn't show that at all.

Third, future Dean was way too eager to show past Dean Sam/Lucifer, he was way too eager to make Dean see that this is what happens if you don't say yes, something that is too much like what Zachariah was trying to show Dean. Also, the whole future Dean getting caught so quickly without so much as a fire of the colt and then dying, and disappearing with Lucifer leaving past Dean alone. It was just too planned out in away for me.

Lastly, the whole end scene with Zachariah's 'see now are you ready' speech, and then getting really upset that Dean still said no. Like his whole plan to make Dean think this is how it ends if you don't say yes failed and he wasn't too happy about that.

Everything that happened in the future to me is something that was probably never going to happen, the whole Dean has to say yes in order to prevent what happened in the future is just Zachariah wanting to have his big epic battle. However, I do believe that Dean would have become this bitter man that future Dean was if he never tried to mend things with Sam, and thankfully that's the lesson Dean learned in this episode, that the Winchesters are stronger together and they both keep each other human. I wonder if Dean will tell Sam about his time in the future, or will he keep it a secret like he seems to always do? At least till he has to blurt it out, like at the end of 'Croatoan'.

theme:apocalypse, character:zacharia, character:lucifer, reviews:season5 epi4

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