#Supernatural Why The Spoiler That Broke Fandom ...

Jan 23, 2011 14:26

Could be what brings our boys closer.

I've had the bad luck of accidentally reading a spoiler, it was completely unexpected and it left me with a beating heart and a very squee-ed out voice. I had no idea what the spoiler was, aside from a certain character coming back (sort of). But then I read an article about the recent Supernatural convention in San Fransisco, it contained said spoiler and I made a decision. ... I read it and I have to say, I'm quite intrigued.

I began thinking on said spoiler and how this could be what brings our boys closer together. While fandom collapses due to the appearance of a character in said spoiler, I'm sitting here squeeing about all the possibilities this episode could give me.

Opportunity No.1:
According to the spoiler, Sam and Dean wake up in an alternate universe where they are Jared and Jensen. This in itself is awesome! We'll get to see another 'A Day in the Life of Jared and Jensen'. Picture it for a minute, sure you aren't watching the show to see Jared and Jensen ^_-  ... but by living Jared and Jensen's lives, Sam and Dean will begin to see a huge difference and therefore crave to be like Jared and Jensen ;) Thus, jump starting their road to recovery and becoming closer brothers again! *fist pumps* Jared and Jensen could be the answer to Sam and Dean's salvation.

Opportunity No.2: 
According to the spoiler, Genevieve is going to be on it and she is going to be playing herself. Again this is going to be awesome! Now, before you bite my head off, roll your eyes and yell "We don't watch Supernatural to see Genevieve!" Picture it for a second, Sam wakes up next to Ruby and has a freak out. Dean comes rushing in, guns blazing and tries to kill her, of course not before spitting out the patent Dean one liner - "Ruby!" Genevieve freaks out and tries to calm her husband down, Sam doesn't know what the hell is going on, cue drama, angst, mental issues and maybe hot sex ;) Come on don't tell me you don't want to be that fly on the wall in Jared and Genevieve's lives ;x
No, but really this could be a chance for us to see exactly where Sam's mental state is at. Maybe get a glimpse into what he went through in hell. Perhaps seeing Ruby will cause a piece of that wall to come down. Either way, it's an awesome spoiler! Oh, and don't ask me why Dean is living in the same house with a married Jared and Genevieve.

Opportunity No.3:
If Sam and Dean try to be Jared and Jensen then you know there will be laughs of epic proportions! Just imagine, Sam is a complete opposite of Jared and Dean is a complete opposite of Jensen. There's going to be some awkward moments and some BtS goodness that we probably would never get to see. Embrace it guys, embrace it!

Opportunity No.4:
If Cliff is in it, that's going to be hilarious to watch. A body guard guarding two guys that could drop kick his ass in a second! However, if fangirls come flying, then they might use Cliff as a human shield ;D

Opportunity No.5:
Maybe Sam and Dean try and steal the script from the writers room and see how things end for them. Or maybe they gather enough information from the writers, that they will be able to stop whatever it is that is starting. *high fives*.

Opportunity No.6:
Misha. ... Well, you tell me ;p

I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty stoked! They're not just breaking the fourth wall, they're demolishing it! We could get glimpses into so many secrets (if it's done right). We can get to see Sam and Dean being Jared and Jensen being Sam and Dean. It's going to be funny, but I'm pretty sure it'll be emotional and angsty and a bit eerie as well.

I can't think of any more opportunities, can you? Why not share them, I pretty much feel like squeeing :D

P.S. Try not to give away spoilers beyond the ones that I've written. Example: I know Sam and Dean wake up as Jared and Jensen and that Genevieve is in it as herself and that Misha is in it as himself as well. Nothing beyond that. I want to remain somewhat surprised.
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