Season 5 Episode 16 promo + 3 Clips

Mar 26, 2010 08:10

Awesome episode today, just finished watching it. Poor Bobby =( I really feel bad for him, I loved the ending the way it was shot, the way Sam kept asking if Bobby was going to be okay and then looking to Dean for reassurance, the zoom out showing how close Sam was standing to Bobby's wheelchair and the distance between them and Dean. It really spoke volumes to where their mind set are. It's also really interesting seeing Dean's mannerism to the whole situation, he reminded so much of John in this episode, mind on the mission and only the mission. I'm gonna re-watch this and try to squeeze in some time to record my commentary.

Below are the promo and three clips for next week's episode. Man how awesome is it that we got our show back and that there will be no more hiatus :)


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Interesting it doesn't look like Mary sees Sam in the clip when she's asking Dean if he's hungry. This is gonna be a creepy episode. This makes how many times the boys have died exactly?

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The pleading look on Sam's face in this clip just broke me, and the angry pissed off look on Dean's had me practically shaking. I don't blame the second hunter for hesitating, I mean I sure as hell wouldn't want a pissed off Dean (alive or dead) after me. But his emotion while he was staring at Sam's dead body, phew really knocked the wind out of me, intense man!

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I couldn't help but go - Hey! Sammy is the only one who can be Dean's car :P and then go - Sam sounds better as Dean's car :P ... lol ... I wonder if Castiel is going to be talking to Dean through his car throughout the whole episode. I hope not, it would be kind of lame. Is it just me or does it seem that the Impala is getting left out of the major action with the Winchesters? I mean aside from 'The End' the Impala hasn't been doing any awesome tricks of her own. Eric I demand an episode where the Impala gets all the screen time and comes to the boys rescue :D

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Dean and Sammy get to see their mommy again! I wonder if John shows up too :) (don't tell if you know). Well after looking at this clip it does look like Mary doesn't see Sam, I wonder why :( .. I want Sammy to have son and mommy moment, he really needs it too. I'm sure he would wuv hugs as well ♥
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