Title: The Comfort We Seek
Author: Demona /
azraelz_angelFandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Terminator
Rating: NC17
WARNING: Graphic m/f sex, Buffy/Sam in this part, with a side of Dean. Dean is involved in the sex, but it is not Sam/Dean at all - period.
Pairing: Buffy/Sam, Buffy/Dean
Summary: The thought of sharing a girl with his brother had never crossed his mind before Buffy, but these were different times. Buffy/Sam, Buffy/Dean
kaylashay81 All remaining mistakes are my own.
Written for:
Avamclean as a Christmas present. Apparently I forgot to post it…
Disclaimer: "A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend." - The characters of BtVS belong to Fox, the WB/UPN, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc, Supernatural belong to Eric Kripke, the CW, etc., and Terminator belong to Fox, James Cameron, etc. The ideas and concepts in this story are mine entirely. Please do not copy or take this story without my permission.
The Comfort We Seek~*~