Title: You Can Sleep In A Coffin, But The Past Ain't Through With You
Author: whreflections
Fandoms: (Supernatural/CWRPS)
Rating: R (language and sexual references)
Warnings: character!death, and, um...I have no idea where this came from? I took the RPF boys and put them in Supernatural!verse. and did all sorts of things with them that just flashed into my head all at once.
Word Count: 3, 633
Summary: Everyone starts hunting for a reason, and it's almost a universal rule that if you love a hunter, you end up hurt. Knowing that and actually reaching the point of experiencing it are two very different things. Jensen Ackles wasn't ready to be a hunter, but now, he's going to have to learn.
Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine.
Distribution: just here and at my journal, so far
You Can Sleep In A Coffin, But The Past Ain't Through With You