Title: Sojourn:Tales of the Winchester Clan 2/?
Series: Just Another Reason to Hate the Government
Rating: R
Characters: Sam, Dean, Keegan, et.al.
Pairing: Alec/Keegan, eventual Sam/Dean, mentions Sam/Tanya, Biggs/Every Female in Existance
Spoilers: up to and including all aired episodes, all of
Just Another Reason to Hate the GovernmentWarning: Crossover, Dark Angel (AU), Alternate Universe of an Alternate Universe...can you do that? Wincest
Word Count: 3,221
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Dark Angel, both belong to their respective owners. Keegan, Leah, Tanya, ect belong to me.
Summary: It's been over a year since the Winchesters took down the Breeding Cult and dropped off the map...but life isn't easy for anyone.
HereComments are love.