Title: You Just Lost Your Tip
Series: Just Another Reason to Hate the Government
Rating: Hard R. Really Hard.
Characters: Alec, Dean
Pairing: Mentions Sam/Dean, Alec/Keegan. Rather amusingly Dean/Alec
Spoilers: None from Supernatural, Season 2 of Dark Angel, And some unpublished chapters of Sojourn. But nothing big, lol.
Warning: Crossover, Dark Angel (AU), Alternate Universe of an Alternate Universe...can you do that? Wincest. Clonecest...which is Wincest in this case. Crackfic.
Word Count: 2239
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Dark Angel, both belong to their respective owners. Keegan, Leah, Tanya, ect belong to me.
Summary: "It’ll be easy.” Dean had said. “We need you there to case the place, since he already knows me.” Even stoned, Alec wasn’t that stupid.
HereComments are love.
You Just Lost Your Tip