Title: That Story, or 10 Reasons Priestly Doesn't Like Chicago
Author: moi.
Fandom/s: Spn (pre-series), Ten Inch Hero (pre-movie)
Summary: "I'm not this Dean Winchester guy. My name's Priestly. Always has been, always will be. I've lived here my whole life, and never set foot in Missouri. Or Milwaukee. I went to Chicago once, but there's no power on Earth that can make me tell you that story."
1. The Little Old Lady |
2. The Weather |
3. The Computer Genius
They all found themselves seats on varying items of furniture - the couch, a chair, and in Buzzer’s case, on the coffee table - leaving Boaz to find a nice piece of wall to lean against. "So, uhh..." Boaz started. "Ash," he replied, snatching up his laptop and plonking himself down on a giant beanbag. "...Ash, where'd you learn how to... counterfeit?" It was a weak attempt at conversation, but Ash didn't seem to mind.