Title: Fly On The Windscreen
maddonna001 Genre: My Bloody Valentine/Friday the 13th crossover
Pairing: Tom Hanniger/Clay Miller, implied Clay/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Takes up right as MBV ends. Tom escapes and meets Clay on the road. This story is about how two broken men meet and pick up the pieces together
Beta: The wonderful Sotia, aka.
ssddgr Warning: violence, mental illness
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, they belong to their owners, I’m doing this for just fun. OFC’s are 100% made up by me, I only took the face and name of some handsome Brazilian models, I don't own them either and I mean no harm.
Storyart: made by the extremely talented Jade aka.
takacshedi Title taken from Depeche Mode’s identically titled song, written by Martin L. Gore.
Word count in this chapter: 1665
Chapter 7