Title: Out of These Dark Places
Author: Furor Scribiendi
Fandom: SPN/The Sentinel, written for
sncross_bigbangDisclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural. Look to Kripke and Co. The same goes for The Sentinel. Paramount, UPN and Pet Fly own that too.
Type: Action-Adventure/Humour/Dark-ish
Word Count: 54,076 words/94 pages
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Blair Sandburg, Jim Ellison; Blair/OFC
Warnings: Violence, language, masturbation, Sam/Dean UST
Spoilers: A spoiler for Tall Tales at the start and a lead in to Mystery Spot at the end.
Artist: the awesome
angstpuppy Link to Art:
Out of These Dark Places ArtSummary: Trying to hunt down the Trickster changes everything for Dean and Sam Winchester. Meanwhile in Cascade, Washington strange murders have Detectives Ellison and Sandburg stumped. Before it's all said and done, weird doesn't begin to describe what should have been a straightforward case for the detectives and a simple enough thing to deal with for the Winchester brothers.
supernaturalfic Sentinel crossover goodness lies this way.