Title: Oneiroi and Hephaestus
Author: Lady Angel
Genre: Criminal Minds/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Hotchner/Reid
Spoilers: Supernatural up to Season 4, Ep 1: Lazarus Rising and Criminal Minds up to Season 4, Ep 15: Revelations
Disclaimers: If you recognize the character, they’re not mine. Everything else is.
Author’s Note: AU. Really, really AU. The timelines are completely off and I messed with a few other canon tidbits as well.
For any non-H/R readers out there, the section after the first four or five paragraphs is pretty much sex. If you wanna skip that, go for it. But please do read what comes after the first set of ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ as that covers the reactions of everyone in the house. I've been told its quite hilarious. I hope y'all like it!