Title: Watching-Asking-Doing - SPN/Buffy crossover
softbluebuddy Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Underage. Dean is 21 and Sam is 17. Spike is old. Wincest.
Pairings: Spike/Dean; Dean/Sam mention of Spike
Word Count: 1554
Written for:
nekid_spike guest of the month prompt Jensen Ackles
Summary: Dean and Spike have an established relationship which Sam stumbles on accidentally. This gives Sam the courage to ask Dean for the same things from his brother that his brother has been getting from Spike.
Looking at Dean with his face as open and trusting and wide eyed as it was possible to look he asked with all sincerity and like the fate of his very world would rest on Dean’s answer to this one question, “Dean, will you do with me what you do with Spike?” )