Title: Blind Night
Pairing: Jensen/Sam (AU)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lies, lies, lies.
Word Count: 2300
Summary: Jensen, a rising Hollywood star on the fast track to burning out, sees something he shouldn't have and pays the consequences. Sam, lost after what happened to Dean and slowly finding his way again, trying not to be the man he knows he might become. A world beneath the cities, forgotten by all but a few in need of sanctuary. Two men who could save one another. It begins with the thick cloak of blind night in the midnight tunnels.
Warnings: Post S3 of SPN, AU Jensen. Much with the hurt/comfort.
A/N: As with the Scrubs stuff, this is a casting-crossover with
"Beauty and the Beast" (Linda Hamilton, Ron Perlman aka "Vincent"). Mmm, Vincent.
Jensen tries to laugh, and it comes out raw and broken. "Who are you? That's all I'm asking for. Just your name."