Title: Staking Claims
siubhlachPairing: Dean/Jensen (Supernatural/RPS crossover)
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 2,921
Warnings: Graphic boy-smexing (duh), mild biting
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true. If only...
Summary: Dean's possessive. Jensen's a flirt. These two facts may well be related.
This really is just purposeless, accidental porn. A few weeks ago
deathbymutation wanted some Dean/Jensen (because, seriously, who wouldn't?). So I wrote her 900 words of Dean/Jensen. She liked it (yay) but was displeased by the lack of boy-sexing (boo). So I wrote another 2,000 words. Here they are.
Beta by the stunningly awesome
ulysses3_de who likes being emailed random porn. Which is good, because I have no intention of stopping.
Staking Claims