Another Lost Piece (AO3)
Author: Shuufleur
Fandoms: Supernatural and The Amazing Spider-Man
Characters: implied Peter Parker/Sam Winchester, The Green Goblin, MCU characters.
Rating: T
Genre: Angst
Spoilers: Post-movies, and s07-s08 hiatus for Supernatural.
Warnings: Major character death
Summary: Trying to sound sure of himself. To joke. To pretend his heart wasn't already breaking, missing a piece.
So many pieces lost already.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or The Amazing Spider-Man.
The Tower Is Not a Hotel, Peter (AO3)
Author: Shuufleur
Fandoms: Supernatural and The Amazing Spider-Man
Characters: Peter Parker/Sam Winchester, MCU characters.
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff, attempt at humour, kinda Superfamily.
Spoilers: Post-movies, and s07-s08 hiatus for Supernatural.
Warnings: No warnings.
Summary: Peter thought they'd be alright. Doing that in Aunt May's house was awkward and embarrassing. In the tower, though, it was ok. Or so, he thought.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or The Amazing Spider-Man.