Title: Beam Me Up [R]
Author: Callisto (
Characters: Sam and Dean (SPN). Also, Castiel. Bodie, Doyle (Pros)..
Genre/Pairing: SPN/Pros crossover. Gen in SPN. Slash in Pros (Bodie/Doyle).
Word count: 24,000~
Disclaimer: Don’t own the rights to any of them. More’s the pity.
Notes: This is season 4 Sam and Dean crossing over into 1980s London and the world of Pros. Pros is the fandom of a British show called 'The Professionals'. Considered the British equivalent of 'Starsky and Hutch', Bodie and Doyle were a kind of cross between agents and police in the late 70s, early 80s. They answered to the inimitable George Cowley, played by Gordon Jackson, and are CI5 agents 3.7 ("three seven") and 4.5 ("four five") respectively. (Click
here for a fandom overview, with pictures, if you're curious).
Dean sat forward again and scrubbed a hand down his face. “What I mean is, if Castiel,” he nodded at Sam, who was holding his breath by this point, “...sent us here,” he smiled smugly at his word choice, “and if you actually know him, even a little, then I’m thinking our being back in this particular time...” Sam kicked his chair. “...your time. Our time. In all our times. Here, I mean. Here in... well, now, yeah now. Ah, hell, Sam. Don’t just fucking sit there.”