Title: Die Another Day
Author: DinaLori
Fandoms: Supernatural, Highlander, Deadwood
Rating: PG:13
Warnings: Violence, Adult language and situations. Nothing worse than
you'd see in a Supernatural episode though.
Spoilers: SPN: All episodes up to 7.10 "Death's Door", all novels.
HL: All episodes, all novels and officially licenced tie-ins. Deadwood:
All episodes
Summary: After Bobby mysteriously disappears from the hospital after
an encounter with the Leviathan Sam and Dean think they know what's
behind it. But the truth is beyond their wildest dreams and will change
the way the see the older hunter forever.
Disclaimer: I own nothing associated with Supernatural, Highlander or
Deadwood. This story is offered out of pure love for the series mentioned and in admiration of the phenomenal talent of Jim Beaver.
http://dinalori.livejournal.com/5351.html http://dinalori.livejournal.com/5524.html