Title: Thicker Than Water 12/?
Author: dragon_fall
Fandoms: Supernatural/True Blood
Rating: R
Word Count: 41,676 (so far)
Warnings: none yet
Spoilers: Supernatural through season 4, TrueBlood through season 1
Summary: After Lucifer is freed from the cage Castiel is MIA. Their search for him leads Sam and Dean to Bon Temps, Louisiana, where supernatural forces are threatening to tear the small town apart.
Author's Note: Takes place after Lucifer Rising and at the beginning of True Blood Season 2. Since I started writing this years ago it is AU in the True Blood universe, but pieces from the second season will be working themselves in.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 "You don't look like you're having nearly enough fun to be at this party."