Title: Sum of their Parts
hunters_retreat Artist:
loverstar Fandom: 10 Inch Hero/Dark Angel/RPS/Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Jensen/Priestly/Alec
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: moresomes, graphic sex
Word Count: 40,000+
Summary: There were men who stood up in the face of adversity, and there were men who fell. When humanity fell pray to the men and women taken with psychic powers, The Face stood together, collecting what they could of their kind and trying to make a safe place to live while they continued to fight. But when word reaches their ears that they could finally save Sam Winchester, it could change the face of the world as they know it. For better or worse, Dean Winchester will get his brother out, or die trying. The rest of them... they're just going to try to keep the pieces of humanity together until then.
Author's Note:This story was written for the
apocabigbang, and though it stands alone it is part of
The Face Verse (my beta's hadn't read the verse! So I promise it all makes sense without the rest :P)
Sum of their Parts