Title: God's Permission
elpin Fandom: Supernatural and Harry Potter.
Pairing: Undecided
Note for SPN spoilers: AU from end of season 5.
Note for HP: Ignores a lot of the books, especially book six and seven. Basically, the war started much earlier, and it was much more total-war-like than the books. Voldemort was unmasked as a demon (more on how and why will be explained in the story) and Harry still defeated him.
Rating: Hard R (may be upped to NC-17 later)
Summary: A non-involvement agreement has existed between the three powers of earth, heaven and hell for two thousand years. After a bloody war of their own alongside the Apocalypse, the wizards won't sign a new agreement before they are convinced Lucifer is still in his cage. Neither Dean, Sam or Harry are happy with their findings.
Beta: A big thank you to
tinypinkmouse Disclaimer: I own neither Supernatural or Harry Potter, but I do enjoy mixing them together for entertainment purposes only.
Chapter 3 Chapter One