Title: Too Far From Heaven Or Just Close Enough
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Category: Angst, AU, Crossover, General
Characters/Pairing: Castiel, Dean, & Sam and Inara, Jayne, Kaylee, Mal, River, Simon, Wash & Zoe with Castiel/Kaylee
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild Language
Spoilers: None
Summary: Castiel is being swallowed by The Black and losing his Heaven. Also, they’re on the Firefly ship.
Word Count: 4,628 words
Author's Notes: The timeline for “Supernatural” is post-apocalyptic AU of horror and angst. For “Firefly”, it’s set between the end of the series and the beginning of the movie. "General" because it is more about Cas' journey, despite the undercurrent of slash and the actual het pairing.
It had started about three days into their trip. It got worse every day. The farther into the Black they went, the less of Heaven he could feel. It was slipping away from him and Castiel found himself desiring more and more mortal things.