Title: Second Chances
princess_schez and
gidgetgal9 Rating: PG-15; language, violence, sexual situations, AU. Also, does contain some spoilers for S4, even if the fic is AU.
Fandom: Charmed/Supernatural
Summary: A chance encounter and a spike in demonic activity reunite the Halliwells and the Winchesters in the future… with dire consequences.
Beta: My friend Lisa.
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester; Bobby Singer; Piper, Leo, Phoebe, Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda Halliwell; Ruby; Lilith; Castiel; Anna; Cole Turner; Lenore
Disclaimer: We own nothing from either Charmed or Supernatural. Everything belongs to their respective owners. We're merely having fun with them.
The Road So Far: This is a sequel to the fic,
Witches, Demons and Hunters - Oh My! It is recommended to read that story first, just so you’ll know what is transpiring here.
Chapter 11 here @
my LJ. Previous Chapters
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10