Nov 07, 2005 21:21
it has been said that every
cigarette you smoke
takes 8 secs off of your
It gets worse.
did you know that more than 50,000
people die each year from
lung cancer?
It gets worse.
did you know that
of those more than
50,000, 50,000
of them have never
smoked a cigarette?
it cant get any worse
than killing the people you
care about, all because u
"need" a cigarette.
today in class my
teacher told us of one
of her friends who never
smoked a day in her life,
but her husband smoked
everyday of their married
life. She died of
lung cancer before he
did. it was the
saddest, most
scariest thing
i have ever heard.
all my life i have been
around smokers.
it could be killing me.