Jun 02, 2004 20:19
Some things are too good to last forever...
If there weren't any downs, how could we appreciate the ups?
I know this, and I know it well, but it still stirs up something inside of me for some reason...
I need to get inspired so I can be happy again, I've been unhappy for a few weeks now. This only makes it worse.
I need to drain this estrogen from my system. Fuck being an emo girl, I HATE myself like this. I literally want to slap the crap out of myself when I get this way.
I have 5 school days left...So0o0o0o0o0o can't wait for that to come. Can't wait to see all my efforts paying off, going up to that stage and gladly accepting that piece of paper that proves I worked my ass off to get it.
I'm gonna give a speech at graduation to thank all the people who have helped me get as far as I have, b/c I know I couldn't have done it all on my own. I'm so freakin scared to give it tho! I don't know what I was thinking when I asked Soto if it was possible for me to give a speech. In front of ALL those people! And as if I didn't have enough pressure, I found out that my speech is taking place of the "Inspirational Song" they sing @ graduation each year. It's going to be an "Inspirational Speech" and I'm honored, but I think people are upset that there isn't going to be a song. Oh well, they will hafta deal w/ it. Heh...