Background: I didn't ever really care about art at all until fall semester 2004. I had never really studied it or thought about it at all. When I got to UCF I declared Microbiology as my major and started signing up for classes. Well, aperantly I needed to take some social studies classes. My advisor suggested humanities, so I signed up for it and started learning basically about art, sometimes punctuated by religion. This semester we got more into the modern art and the progressive artists...
I would like to start off by saying that modern art is not art. It is bullshit. Maybe I will come to like it some day, as the skeptics of impressionism eventually did, but for now it sucks. However it's only the most modern of the modern art that gets to me. Cubism pushes the limit as far as real art goes by my definition, but it's not until you get into the crazy abstract of the non-objective works that the actual "art" disappears. For clarification, non-objective art consists of random lines and colors that don't form an object. In other words, it is art that can basically be mimiced by the most amature of artists. People like Jackson Pollock make me sick. To think that this man can make millions off of a painting that took no effort whatsoever. It took him months to complete his works, but it would take me hours to do the same. The lines have no meaning. Some of the earlier abstract art is acceptible in my eyes. At least surrealists, such as Dali made their paintings look like some effort was involved. Surrealists used unconsious images to convey ideas, and some of them turned out really cool, but others are just absurd.
Sculptures: I don't want to get too into this, but if I had the chance to meet Constantin Brancusi, I would take his "Bird in Space" and proceed to beat the shit out of him with it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check this out...
Well, I just felt that I needed to inform everyone of where the art world is headed. It's a dim future when a tree branch (as displayed outside of VAB at UCF) is considered art. Have a good summer everyone.