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Mar 01, 2012 10:48

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Under P mode you can adjust the camera settings as per your requirements:

Selecting the focus mode:
Set the camera to P mode. Then press the ‘Menu’ Then go down the list to the last item and select it by pressing the Control button
This will take you to the 'Shooting settings 1'.
Under this, you will find the item called ‘Focus mode’ - Here select the ‘Monitor’ option.

In the main Menu, under “ Face detection”, select ‘off’. ( Unless you are photographing a group of people, it’s better to keep the ‘Face detection’ off. When it’s enabled you cannot make various other adjustments)

Selecting the Metering mode: (This cannot be accessed when ‘Face detection’ is ON.)
Under the main menu, go to the metering mode and select the ‘Spot’ metering option.
This will enable fast focusing. ( I keep my camera always on Spot metering)

Selecting ‘Focus’:
Depending on the object, you can select one of the options:
If you want to focus on a particular point on the scene : Select ‘Spot AF’
If you want to focus on a wide area then select: ‘Multi AF’
If the point of interest is in the center, select ‘Center AF’
You can also select one of the given Distance options.
(If you are trying to shoot through a Glass panel or wire mesh, try the ‘Infinity’ option.)

Selecting the ISO mode:
ISO number indicates the sensitivity of the CCD Sensor.
Never select the Auto ISO option. Sometimes the camera jacks up the ISO so high that the photos become very noisy.
Under normal lighting conditions, set the ISO at 100 or 200. (Lower the better)
But under poor lighting, you have to raise the ISO level to 400 or 800. (Remember that higher ISO will produce Noisy or Grainy pictures)
Note: When you need to capture a moving object it’s better to raise the ISO.

Setting the White Balance (WB)
White Balance settings allow the camera to perceive White color correctly.
Under normal conditions leave the WB setting at ‘Auto’.
However, if you are shooting under Fluorescent lighting, it’s better to select one of the “Fluorescent’ options. Similarly, to shoot under under incandescent lighting (normal filament type bulbs) select ‘ Incandescent’. There are other settings too. ( I normally select ‘WB Auto’)

Setting ‘Exposure Value” (EV).
Under normal conditions select ‘0’ Zero.
Under bright light select a negative value such as -0.3 or -0.7
Under low light select a positive value such as +0.3 or + 0.7
(Many experienced people always prefer to keep at -0.3 to under-expose the photo a bit. This will prevent accidental over-exposure. Over-exposed pictures cannot be salvaged. If a little under-exposed, you can edit the picture)

Color setting: Select Normal.

Macro shots:
If you want to take a close up shot of a flower or an isect, turn the control knob to 'Macro' mode. (the Flower icon)
Don't try to zoom in macro mode.


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