
Dec 10, 2007 02:03

“For me, the Lotus Flower is exactly like my life. It grows in the muddy water but rises above the surface to bloom with great beauty. My first born is named -Shoshan"

«Ом Мани Падме Хум»
«Славься, драгоценность в цветке лотоса»

Ida left - Pingala right



Sahasrara understanding понимание

Ajna Om imagination творчество

Visyddha Ham power сила

Anahata Yam love любовь

Manipura Ram wisdom мудрость

Svadishthana Lam order заказ

Muladhara Vam life основа

Bindu Crown Chakra


point reached during Enlightenment

Thalamus third eye


brow chakra

Chakra Vortices

Base Chakra

Coccyx of Spine

Pingala Pineal

Ida Pituitary

relatid to the opening of Third Eye

Pingala Serpent

Represents Nerve Channel

Male.Fire.Solar element

Venom. Death

Ida Serpent

Represents Nerve Channel

Female.Water.Lunar element

Blood. Life

Sushumna Nerve Channel

Neutral-Zero-Null Balance Line

psy_fengshui, gif_anm, calendar, buddhism

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