The Chrysalis Symbol в ауте

Dec 01, 2010 01:00

I see the goal.
I reach the goal and see another

Saggittarius by Chib.
Как здорово когда есть те, кто знает цель.

image You can watch this video on

Change & Wonder: A Butterfly Complete Metamorphosis from David Britton on Vimeo.

Суть - В твердой оболочке, которую построила гусеница, только жидкость. Всё что было - было разрушено! Эта жидкость называется три центра жизни, и это взаимдействие с тремя энергетическими точками, через которые и осуществляется преображение. И когда заканчивается период молчания куколки, перед нами изумительная душа бабочки. И это как будто три аспекта божественной символики христианства.

Моё мнение - стрельцам бесполезно что-то кричать, доказывать, доводить до понимания - они в другой оболочке, другом измерении, это состояние можно даже сравнить с аутом:)
Попробуйте контактировать со стрельцами по трем добродетелям христианства. Это Вера, Надежда, Милосердие. Или

тройная лилия.
Тоже и с аутистами.

"Sagittarius, curiously enough, has been called the chrysalis stage; the man is neither one thing nor the other. In the chrysalis you have the strange triplicity of the caterpillar, the chrysalis and the butterfly. The caterpillar, we are told, reincarnates five times; it sloughs its skin five times, five is the number of man. Then there comes that curious happening in the life of the caterpillar where there is a complete change, and from a thing crawling about prompted by desire, eating all the time, there comes the stage of the chrysalis. What goes on in that chrysalis stage is a most mysterious happening. We are told that inside the hard shell of chrysalis which the caterpillar has constructed, there is nothing but a fluid. Every single thing has broken down and in that fluid are what are called three centers of life, and because of the interplay between those three local points of energy, a change goes on, a rebuilding, until there emerges out of the period of silence, a wonderful butterfly. It is almost as though in the chrysalis there were three aspects of divinity symbolized and working to a pattern, the Christ pattern.

Consider what goes on in the life of the individual aspirant in Sagittarius. There has been a complete breaking down of everything in Scorpio; everything has been reduced to fluid, for Scorpio is an astral sign and water is the symbol. In the life of the aspirant of today, I need not enlarge upon it, there has been a complete breaking down of everything. As one person said to me, there is nothing left to live for, there is nothing interesting enough to pull one through existence. Why? Because you are an aspirant, a disciple; it is the best indication you can have of your status on the ladder of evolution. Everything has broken down and you know it. But the three aspects of divinity are still there in the fluid; and they will work and the pattern is there. The chrysalis stage is Sagittarius. It is interesting to carry the sequence of thought or achievement from Scorpio into the power and success developed in Sagittarius, for it is a sign of power.

The true Sagittarian is a very potent person; potent because it is the sign of silence; potent because it is the sign of one-pointedness and the goal is seen for the first time clearly; potent because it is the period immediately preceding the birth of the Christ".

(from a lecture by Alice A. Bailey on 1937)

psy_fengshui, poetry, art, astrology, autism, symbol

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