sa sa sa saaaaaaturday

Oct 16, 2004 10:53

Turd...i never noticed that the word turd was in saturday...hahah...oh looks like turd outside...gloomy and gray and rainy...i kinda woulda like to go to a cider mill today...or maybe a haunted house later on...but its too gross outside. now all i wanna do is stay in my nice warm jammies and watch movies and goof off...what i really should be doing is packing so i dont get so overwhelmed when its time for me to move out. but i dont want to...i dont want to have to move...ever since i got my new job, i wanted to stay in my apartment just until Chris is ready to move out...but its alot of $$$ to go month to month and i really dont feel like paying for it all by myself. And i know i cant sign a new lease cause my apartments wont let chris keep his dumb bird there...oh well...i guess i gotta move...ugh...
I really like my new job. it seems like its gonna be really one yelling or screaming about who has what or anything...itll be really happy i decided to make that move... i wasnt so sure about it a week ago because everyone was so adept at keeping me there that i was almost convinced that they knew something about this company that i didnt and it was a bad place to go...but im happy now that i know its a good place where you learn and have real training and looking forward to learning everything that this place has to offer...
school on the other hand isnt going so journalism prof has said that he will not work with me so i can finish his class as an independant study and that really upsets me because i hate to have to drop a class...but its all for the best i guess.
Ive been doing some major shopping this week...i didnt have ANY dress clothes what so ever, so i had to go buy some so i had clothes to wear to work... otherwise i woulda been wearing the same pants just about every day...i do so miss my hoodies...i mourn there not being worn enough...they may actually last a few months...haha...i guess i dont have too much else to say...happy sweetest day to everyone...hope you know how sweet i think you are:) ok bye
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