Just turned off the broadcast of Obama's inauguration ceremony half-way through his speech. It was boring as hell. Worst speech I have ever seen him deliver.
Things I noticed during the broadcast:
a) Aretha Franklin had a snazzy hat with lots of bling
b) that classical piece was total playback and I thought it was garbage
c) you'd think that after hundreds of speeches and a month to prepare, Obama would get the oath right ... but I guess I'd be nervous too, if I was about to become chief of the world
d) that white minister who held his little prayer/sermon in the beginning should have been shot. What happened to seperation of church and state?
e) CNN broadcast was delayed as if they had to cut out swear-words ...
f) DZA the Bootyman (aka
ynl) and I were rating chicks in the audience but kept being very disappointed
g) Michelle Obama must have been freezing her ass off with what she was wearing
All in all: a total disappointment. Worst Obama-moment on TV that I have seen.