So, listen. We all have Kassie to make the posts and tell everyone the rules and threats of violence and stuff for the community, which leaves me as the collating hooker. What that means is this.
Behind the cut tag are the lists as of right now for who signed up for writing, who signed up for media, and who signed up to switch off and do either. This is the best I could tell from combining both posts from yesterday, the sign up and the say hello and tell the world why you're a hor, posts.
Please comment to this ONLY IF:
a) I have you in the wrong category,
b) you didnt sign up yet and WANT to, or
c) you signed up yesterday but after a good nights sleep decided that we're all insane and you'd rather not be associated with us.
Now. Just by keeping your name on anything now DOESNT MEAN you're locked into anything. We're just trying to get a feel for numbers, writers vs media, etc. So. If you're on the list for writing, and when the official crap starts you decide, you know what? I'm with nan and MAYHEM is a fucking toad, screw this shit, that's FINE. We only send Paddywhack after you if you keep saying yes and then crap out at the last minute.
Ok? Yes? Please to be checking the list then and let me know where I've fucked up.
storydivagirlmoosesalmskatejqueeniegalorewithout_me fryadvocateazryalestrella30ethrosdemonmenomegirlhyperfocusedfox1013azewewishmel_b_angel shanalleveradeathkristiinthedarkqueenofalostartswitch_angel poisontasteredie22brynwulfbabyofthegroupsparcckmissbuckleburyla_folle_alluresparky77gingerpig MEDIA
slodwickmagicklyultimatemotherquietdiscerningmiss_tressmanassehantheiaamberlynnebuhflycassmmoimoietmoidoppleglbunnymcfoosathinks SWITCH
obsessedmuchbozaloshtshidiosyncraticphaballadaysofloresmincathybitesimpertinenceremember_nomoreread_in_reversebuffyspazzdaughtershadekhohen1aramiamyth71smonsterbitesindenmistress_shiny ok. where'd I fuck up.