Grace Is So Rare
leiascullySummary: Loneliness isn't enough at the end of the world.
Pairing: Scully/Roslin (crossover)
Rating: R
Wordcount: ~2300
Concrit: Welcome
A/N: Even though it's Election Night and nobody wants to read fanfiction, I promised Scully/Roslin and never let it be said that I don't deliver. Many thanks to
coffeesuperhero for the projection idea, and for demanding that I write this at all. Title inspired by Fink's "Pretty Little Thing". Sort of abbreviated there at the end, but hey, I was glued to CNN same as anybody.
Disclaimer: Battlestar Galactica and all related characters belong to Ronald Moore, NBC Universal, Sci-Fi Channel, and Sky One. No infringement is intended and no profit is made from this.
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Grace Is So Rare (R) )