ok i made a big booboo im so sorry minnie and annie i posted it only to fic4flowers and i know i was suppose to post yesterday which i did. oh i mucked it up. well here goes my trio art.
Title: Indulge
Pairing: Harry/Ron/Hermione(in that specific order)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Oh this was so much fun to draw. I so hope you all enjoy it and our lovely
simons_flower can enjoy this from the lovely place she is now. *tear* *takes a deep breath* again bunch of trio love, because we all know Trisha loved them oh so much. Oh yes and all characters are 18+.
Rating: verra much not work safe! NC-17
Warnings: Ummm.... lotsa cock showing. and oral sex being given ;)
click on image to see better.