Hello there! This is the first post in what will be hopefully many generations for the Plant family. I have a shiny new founder who's eager to meet you all:
Everyone - this is the Founder of the Plant family. Hello Marigold!
Marigold: Hi! *waves*
She's becoming one of my favourite sims, although that LTW could be very hard in a legacy.
Here's Marigold's house. I started her off in a medium sized (3x5) lot. Not much here at the minute, but I'm trying not to use money cheats in the legacy. I do have the Insiminator though, so some of the cheats in the will be used.
What's that Marigold? You want a job? Okay. Good thing I brought you a computer.
Marigold: Hmmmmm... not interested in military. Too hard. Politics. Ewww. Science, ergh. Ooh, education. I'll do that.
Job Description: Playground Monitor, Salary: $154
Not bad Marigold. Not bad at all.
Me: Whatcha doing, Marigold?
Marigold: I'm painting, Sim God. Be quiet!
Me: *Twiddles thumbs*
I sold her desk and computer to buy a light and a bookcase. She kept rolling the 'buy a bookcase' want, so I fulfilled it.
Cygnus: So, what do you think of snow? I like the snow I like it a lot. Snow is pretty.
Marigold: Snow is okay. I don't mind it.
Cygnus: ... Snow is cold too, ya know? Also fluffy.
Marigold: Dude, you're so weird.
Seriously, all he talked about was the friggin' snow.
Nice painting Marigold. Maybe we'll hang it up when you've finished.
Marigold: Thank you, Sim God.
Marigold: I am smart. Yep. I can read good.
Even Founder sims have to go to bed eventually. And then they get up, again.
Marigold: *sings* Painting in my jammies. Painting in my pjs.
Me: Very sexy.
Painting iz serious bizness!!
I swear, she painted for (sim) hours. I think she's an addict. Maybe I should get rid of that easel. Or, sell the paintings for a little more income.
Would you look at the carpool driver? He looks freakishly like Benjamin Long, or whatever his name is. (The dude with the really bad, sort of upturned nose.) But it's not him!
Marigold: Ergh. Do not want.
She's so cute.
More stuffs. She needs to work on her charisma and fitness to get to a promotion. Now all that's left is a chess table for logic.
Marigold: Hey there hottie! You are just too good-looking to be real.
smustlesims : Modest, isn't she?
Hey, look at that. Marigold has an armchair.
I think she's studying cooking here. Yay for not burning the furniture,
Marigold: Hey hottie, I'm back. Yes, I do think you look gorgeous. Of course darling.
smustlesims : Talk about being self-obsessed Marigold.
Marigold: Shush, Sim God. I'm working on my moves so I can sex-up the hot boys.
Marigold: Working out is fun. Let's do this more often.
(I am yet to see her have a sad/angry/confused face.)
Marigold: *whistles* Paying the bills. I'm so happy to pay the bills.
Y HALLO THAR HOTTIE! Please to be joining the legacy at a later stage, Shea DiGarsbo. (I think that's how you spell it.) My computer was being weird and I totally missed the chance to interupt his walk.
Marigold had been saving up, so I went spending up.
Marigold: *squee* Chess set. My precioussss.
Marigold: Dum da da dum, I'm going to play chess. And I'm going to win.
smustlesims : Which is easy to do when you're playing against yourself.
Marigold: *blows raspberry*
Marigold: Die evil black pieces, die!
She has such funny chess faces.
Bath-time. Surprisingly Photobucket allowed this pic.
Marigold rocks.
Marigold: Oh yeah, I got a promotion.
More chess playing. I swear, all she does is paint and play chess lately.
Going downtown... to look for a sperm donor man.
Work it! One... two... three...
Still working it. (I'm so annoyed you can't get body points at the gym in Bluewater Village. Grrrr)
Marigold: Hey, Sim god? Can we go now? There are no hot single guys here.
smustlesims : Yes, I think that is a fantastic idea.
Seriously, the gym was empty, and it wasn't very late at night either. So, Marigold went to 'Club Dante' in Bluewater Village.
Hello there. You are probably the hottest 'Townie' sim I've encountered. Please to be getting my legacy right now.
Marigold: Hi there. I"m Marigold Plant.
Hot guy: Marigold. Pretty name. I'm Greg Hamilton.
Marigold & Greg: Blah, blah, blah, orchestra, symphony, violin, blah, blah, blah.
Marigold: Yes, but Mozart's symphonies are just so emotive, and they bring out my creative side.
Greg: But everyone knows that Beethoven is more, you know, fun.
Well, they got one really well. Maybe Marigold just found her sperm donor future husband.
Greg: Boo-yah! Look at my kicky ball skillz. I rock.
Marigold: Meh. I was never that good anyways.
Marigold and Greg decided it would be a good idea to go back to her house to get to know each other better.
Dum de dum dah. Dum de dum dah.
And look who shows up in the background whilst Marigold and Greg are trying to have a conversation. Malcomm Landgraab. (Ew.)
Greg: Um, yeah, about Malcomm. Not sure how he arrived here, but I can't tell him to go away.
Marigold: Why? *is puzzled*
Greg: Because I think he's my boss and might fire me if I told him to nick off.
Malcomm was freaking me out. He kept sort of staring at Marigold and then at both of them later on. It was very stalkerish.
Marigold: You're so cute Greg. Do you want a massage?
Greg: Yeah.
Greg: Oh yeah. That's the spot, right there.
Marigold and Greg's first kiss. How sweet. At some stage atfer this, when I was checking to see what Malcomm was doing, Greg buggered off home, so I made Malcomm leave and let Marigold go to bed.
Marigold: Got to work out. Got to look good for my boyfriend.
Marigold: Oh yeah. Feel the body points.
Random walk-bys. The postie is Sheldon Hanby, the lady is Wendy Jonas.
Marigold: Promotion! Yay! More monies!
Marigold: We meet again my old friend.
Marigold: Ha ha! I will beat you this time.
Marigold invites Greg over after she'd played chess and they almost immediatley started a pillow fight with each other. Way to get the relationship scores up Marigold!
More charisma points.
Oh wait, she really IS practisicng romance this time.
Smoochies! Everytime she invites him over she greets him with smooches.
More cute!
Marigold: I really like those statues that have no bodies.
Greg: They're called busts, dear.
Marigold: They're so pretty.
Greg: So are you.
Greg: Do you like the theatre?
Marigold: Yes, I used to go a lot when I was a child.
Marigold: Soup is tasty.
Greg: Soup is very tasty.
Greg: Do you have your eggs sunny-side up?
Marigold: I like to scramble mine.
Chef salad. Nom nom nom!
Marigold: I propose a toast. To us.
Greg: I'll drink to that.
Marigold: If I put my hand here, then maybe...
Marigold: Woot!
Marigold: Oh, that tickles!
Awwww.... the cuteness. It will kill you!
Marigold: Hey look, a flying cow!
Greg: Where?
Marigold: *snickers*
Couch cuddles. You noticed the couch did you? It's about time Marigold.
Greg leaps onto Marigold's lap and starts the smooch fest.
Marigold looks even happier than usual here.
Marigold: That tickles, whatever you're doing.
Surprise kiss-attack!!! Greg looks soooo freaked out here.
Marigold looks like a cat about to pounce or something.
More pillow fights!
Slow dancing. Sims are just too cute when they do that.
Another pillow fight. I think someone has anger issues.
Marigold: Nice moves honey!
Greg: Thanks. Yours are pretty groovy too.
More slow dancing.
Marigold is a master in the art of surprise kissing. More Greg always appears so starled afterwards.
Greg: I can has flavour?
Marigold: You're so tasty.
Greg: I'm sick of dancing, let's make out instead.
Marigold: Okay.
Well it's a good thing Marigold had that talk with her mother when she was a teenager. That little make-out session led to something a bit more intimate.
Marigold: Woo hoo!
Greg: Yeah baby!
I have the DVD version of the game, so I get all this little cut-scenes and such after first woo-hoo, and first kiss, and births and other important events.
Marigold: I enjoyed that woo hoo so much I want to do it again and again forever .Let's get engaged.
Greg: I accept baby!
Quick outtake - date meter of their first date, when it first showed up. It ended up being a dream date.
That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for Gen 1.2.