Jun 12, 2009 21:12
Hello, world.
My name is Philli, and I hail from EARTH! Yes, that stupid little blue/green planet that is being destroyed by its inhabitants, that's the one.
Hey, how ya doing?
Uhmm.... I like tea? Except, I didn't drink any about two days ago because the day before that I had the equivalent of six/seven cups without a break and felt extremely sick of tea afterwards. Not the kind of throwy-uppy sick, but the kind of sick when you just feel fucking awful.
I remember when my sister went through a phase of drinking de-caff tea, and I didn't get why... Tea doesn't really send me hyper unless I put shitloads of sugar in it, and then I go BEZERK. I love that word, Bezerk. It's a funnily spelt, funny sounding word... like Aubergine. I discovered that I love to say Aubergine the other day and went around the house saying Aubergine to myself, and anyone that would listen.
Of course, they don't have aubergines in America, because they call them Eggplants, which is silly because they bear no resemblance to Eggs what-so-ever.
I started watching a film called total recall was it.... last night? Yeah, it was, and I was sat thinking 'Wow, Arnold Swawhetwjkhri4ocdu looks like he's been chiseled out of a lump of metal. No wonder he was the terminator.'
You know, I saw Terminator 2 when I was seven years old because my Nana, bless her, didn't realise it was a fifteen and let me watch it. The only bit I remember is the boy wanting to phone someone, but doesn't have any quarters, and so Arnie-boy smashes the coinboxtypething open and a load of them spill out...
I'd like to see the new one. I swear, it has nothing to do with Christian Bale being in it. Just like me starting to watch Heroes has nothing to do with Zachary Quinto being in it.... *nervous cough*
I love the film, Howl's Moving Castle. Even though it's hardly anything alike to the book it's based on. WHICH IS WRITTEN BY A WELSH WOMAN! Hoorah for the Welsh.
We went somewhere in Wales, me and my family, and I was taking pictures of sheep, right, and my Mother goes 'Why are you wasting pictures on the sheep?' and so I turned to her and said 'Because we're in WALES. It's like... the same, if we ever went to New Zealand!'
I would love to go to New Zealand and dress up like a hobbit, or some other Lord of the Rings character. Legolas would be best, so that I could stand on a rock and shout 'THEY'RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD!' at the top of my voice.
I'm just babbling now, so I'll bid you all a good night.