Dec 13, 2005 14:06
Andy's going to be home the night of Dec 18th. No one but me gets to see him till the 19th though, cause i'm picking him up and keeping him captive till the next day....*^_^*
Hes home till the morning of the 1st of Jan. Then hes off to Texas again.
Feel like shit today, someone got me sick, could have been 2 different people so I don't know who to blame. oh or it might have been someone else as well...blah. I don't do sick. I strongly dislike being ill.
So I'm taking these online classes for a 2yr business degree. And so far it has been almost ridulously easy. So I'm waiting for it to get hard and have myself fail like it always does. Or maybe I finally found some type of schooling that doesn't screw me over after the first month of classes. Well I'll find out soon enough.
Christmas is coming up fast....and NONE of you are getting presents, I am more than broke, I am in debt. Not allowed to get a job till after Christmas, don't ask me how that is supposed to work, ask my mom. She says I'm under enough stress right now that I shouldn't add more. Oh and for those of you (if any) that don't know, I now am sharing my jeep with my mother. Which means if I need it I have to cater to her plans. -.- And if I need it during the day of a work week, I get to get up at 5:45am, drive to durhman, drop off my mom and/or sister, drive back to rochester. Do what ever I need to do, which may include drive to PORTLAND, then get back to durhman to pick my mom and/or sister up at 3:30 or 4 or 4:30, whichever it is that she decided to work till on that specific day.
Plus I am resposible for gas I use---but I can't get a job, and owe money...<.<
Jess is leaving the 31st of Dec, heading back to AZ. I am happy for her, its easier to deal with then I thought, cause I'm heading to Texas as soon as I can. ^.^ And Texas is a lot closer to AZ then New Hampshire is.
Ok, enough rambles for now. Talk to ya'll later!