i know its been a while... a lot has happened. (Last Sunday at Southside Baptist Church: BCCC)

Feb 11, 2007 23:28

i know i havent updated in a while...so im going to try and put things in a nutshell:

-Italy was absolutely amazing and changed my life forever....no really.
-one of my roomate's grandmother's died...she has had a rough year already...and so she's going through some hard times
-another one of my roomate's was slapped/punched by her ex-boyfriend...and that's crazy
-i have had 2 of my friends get into car accidents
-my goal for this year is to NOT GET BEHIND and to go to sleep earlier and be a little more kind to my body
-im really hoping that 3 sciences this semester isnt going to own me.
-my parents are really really fun to be with
-party of the gods/winter knights was a CRAZY CRAZY night...
-i'm 21 now.
-i hate the dixie chicks...they're gay.
-justin timberlake should've gotten album of the year.
-the grammy performances were really awesome this year.

ok so here i go. This Sunday was my last Sunday at the church that i grew up in. I was really really really sad going to church today. i have spent 21 out of the 30 years there...and damn...that's pretty crazy. SOOOOOOO many memories. I remember staying in that stupid nursery waiting endlessly for my mom to get out of choir practice because she used to play piano for them every friday. spending NUMEROUS friday nights wandering that really creepy church and just being a kid. I remember when daniel yang slammed the piano cover onto someone's fingers...and him being the MOST ANNOYING kid i ever knew at the time. Sunny and Mary Ann's Wedding and Henry couldnt light the candles, and that was his ONLY job in the wedding. Being completely horrified performing Christmas plays, singing in the children's choir and doing stupid hand motions that i never wanted to do, handing my mother flowers on Mother's Day...remembering our first time with Ben as our youth leader, then EJ, then Ben again. I remember just DYING to be in the youth group as a little kid...our wacky trips to 6 flags, Disciple Now Weekends...Church dinners that seemed to last for EVER but we'd have the BEST food cooked by every chinese mom in Alabama...going to chinese school after church and totally HATING it....going to Arby's with all the coupons....going to McDonalds and staying their forever...the stage that we built, our worship team and how it evolved from a boombox to a band, and becoming a worship team leader, my first time to play drums for the worship team, being president of our youth group and making announcements every sunday....being baptized in the HUGE sanctuary...and having people cheer...evolving the baptism and how we express the joy that is being baptized by yelling and screaming, having MANY a talks with a certain boy with our roller coaster past feelings in private rooms and curbs, staring at the really creepy pictures in the staircases, the switching of sunday school rooms like every week...duan and the memories that still stay with us...tony...there are waay too many memories and as i am writing this i begin to cry slowly but surely. I never thought that it would come to moving and leaving this church that has housed so many memories of the past for me...not that i think about my wedding that much or anything...BUT!...i always pictured it to be in that sanctuary...and it wont ever be the same...even if i do have it there because the church that i will currently be going to will have new memories...and its just really sad to think about things like that...things that you cant change...things you cant help. I sadly took pictures and slowly walked into the main sanctuary today as it cleared out and said my goodbyes to this historic building of my life. One of the places that means so much to me....one of the few places that will always house all my different changes as a girl, a teenager, and a college student. The more i think about it...the more upset i get. Everyone told me that its not a sad thing...but no one has been there longer than i have in the youth group now...its really sentimental. i never thought one building could have such an effect on me...i cant imagine if i had to leave my house. My face is now covered in tears and and smeared makeup...so i need to stop crying and compose myself...but its just hard to deal with.
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