Jul 09, 2005 06:30
I debated a long time whether or not I should type this out, let alone post it. This is my opinion, not fact:
What Jimmy did was not heroic, not inspirational, there was no 'greater purpose'. It's admirable to try to find some deeper meaning to what he did, but there is none. The fact is, Jimmy was a coward. He ran from his problems, and he did so using alcohol and drugs, two substances illegal at his age (which are illegal for a reason). He didn't face his problems, he didn't seek help or advice from the people who cared, he tried to hide from them. By hiding behind substance abuse, he ended up taking his own life. None of his or his families problems were solved, merely locked away where Jimmy doesn't have to deal with them.
This all may seems harsh, and emotionless, though it is quite the opposite. My deepest condolences go out to the friends, and especially the family of Jimmy. For the friends, many of whom will read this, I know you miss your friend, and I admire the inspiration his death may or may not have brought you, but don't call Jimmy a hero. While it is sad for most of you, the majority of you don't truely grasp how monumental his death is and will be for his family. Most of you do know what it's like to lose a relative, it's very, very difficult. Fewer of you know how it must feel to lose a relative to suicide. This is a topic I take very seriously, and I hope you don't judge my intentions too quickly. While I have no sympathy for Jimmy himself, I wish there was a better wat for me to express my sorrow for his family. Suicide changes people, ruins relationships, and dismantles families. And most of all, none of you know what it's like to lose a son. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to bury your own child.
Again, to the family and friends of Jimmy, he will be missed, and I am dreadfully sorry for how much he has put you through. But please, don't call Jimmy anything more than a coward.
For those of you who are curious, yes, I did lose a relative to suicide. My uncle hung himself in his garage, with no apparent reason for it. His daughter found him in the garage, and she has never been the same.