So I am now only 2 lbs from my goal. I'm very excited. I think I might actually achieve it! I don't think I've ever actually met a weightless goal that I've set for myself. So I'm looking forward to this one. The next one I have after getting under 190 is to lose 20 lbs which I only have another 3.4 pounds to go until I accomplish that. So I could potentially achieve both of these. :0)
Today will be a little difficult. I have a soccer game at 11 for my daughter. And then I have a shopping date with my future mother in law at 2. So I'm probably just going to have cottage cheese for lunch and take it with me. And maybe and apple, because it's easy to eat in the car.
Last night I was VERY proud of myself. I stopped and got Jacob some Mcdonalds on the way home (yes he's completely done with the protocol) and I didn't cheat. Not even a little bit. :0)
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